Bailey Associates Architects is a full-service architectural firm based in Louisville, Kentucky. We have over thirty years of experience in architecture and planning including single and multi-family housing as well as our specialty, historic renovations, restoration and adaptive re-use.
We have received awards and recognition for architectural design excellence for a wide variety of project types, including those with limited budgets.
We have taken on difficult projects with great success. Should you feel that your project is ‘too far gone’, ‘not worthy of the attention’, or simply ‘too difficult to pursue’…..please give it further consideration. Many of the buildings that we have been involved with once held that infamous title of ‘tenement’ won through many years of faltering neglect. These buildings are now once again, proud contributors to their streets and their communities. Good buildings both reflect and influence those that use them. These structures have character and integrity which we greet with respect. All of these buildings have important meaning to the different generations of people in their community. Prevent the wrecking ball. We are proud to have been involved in their reconstruction. Structural failures in historic renovations can be repaired when approached with tenacity using the right team of contractors and craftspeople.
We have success in “listening.” We seek to understand the problem before undertaking the solution. Interaction, collaboration, and creative answers to difficult architectural problems are what we do. Current day ‘Economic Reality’ plays a role in allowing us to mirror the past and preserve the future of these buildings.
• Whether private developer, School Board, non-profit organization or government agency, we bring a fresh approach and an optimistic view to your project and will deliver your project on-time and on budget.
• Our experienced team keeps up to date with the very latest in economic and Historic Tax Incentives in order to guide your project through the maze of opportunities put in place to encourage renovation, Rehabilitation and Adaptive Re-Use of Historic structures.
• Historic Preservation keeps materials out of landfills
"The greenest building is one that is already built," Metropolis Magazine, Carl Elefante.